Tuesday, 12 January 2021



Included in this collection are 13 short horror stories for you to devour, some previously published but plenty brand new, so curl up and get comfy.

Ignore the creepy noises you hear.

Ignore the moving shadows you see.

It’s just your imagination…


“Curl up and get comfy?” I was honoured to have been asked by this talented horror/paranormal writer to read an ARC of Project Fear: Season One and after reading it, I sure as Hell wasn’t comfy and boy did I curl up; mainly in the foetus position and rocking enigmatically!

This is probably the first official book that I have read which is a collection of short stories. I don’t know why, but I used to find myself put off with the idea of reading a book filled with short stories, as I want one big story to read with a beginning, middle and an end; rather than a collection of mini-stories. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact I am more of a movie person as opposed to watching a series? Anyway, you get the picture.

So, when I got a DM tweet from Dale offering me to read his work of short stories, I felt I would honour the kind gesture as a human and as a new blogger too. We all make decisions in life, some are good, some are bad, and we learn from those decisions leading to wisdom! Honestly, reading Project Fear wasn’t a good decision, it was a great decision (My Simon Cowell impression).

Project Fear, well I emphasise the title, it certainly did project fear..into me! Dale has written 13 well-executed dark stories in the form of episodes, which compiled together make a malicious and gripping season! Each episode isn’t for the faint of heart either! I am a father to a two-year-old and some of these stories were very close to the bone! Some were short and left you thinking WTF! Like a cliff-hanger but with a sharp serrated cliff edge! Others felt like a compelling story that caused dread to reflux from my stomach at each swipe of my tablet screen.

With the stories being short, I don’t want to give too much away but Project Fear is chilling with elements from everything dark to…well darker! My jaw was dislocated reading the “Chew Toy” episode and my favourite episode of all was “Bottom of The Garden.” Yes, the malice is hidden in the titles! The descriptive nature of Dales writing is what captivated me in the first place and made me scream out wanting more! I can officially say that I am now a short story fan and I owe that to Dale!

If you want a dark, paranormal, suspenseful read with utter shock factor featuring pain and that will make you want to sleep with the landing light on as an adult….what??, then this is the book for you! My other recent reads that are similar, come from Briana Morgan. If you like Bris work, then this will certainly equate to a night of terrors for you.

Available to purchase on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback: Kindle or Paperback

Visit Dales website to get to know Dales Darkside: www.dalerobertson.co.uk

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